
YOGYAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially inaugurated the new TNI Commander, General TNI Agus Subiyanto, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 22. It is also known that he asked the public for his blessing in order to carry out the mandate of his position properly. However, there is a PR TNI Commander Agus Subiyanto who must be resolved.

"I ask for blessings, hopefully I can carry out this task and position with a mandate, especially for the nation and state," said Agus after the inauguration.

1. Continue the TNI Commander Yudo Margono Program

It is known in the press conference, Commander Agus Subiyanto said he would continue the program from the previous TNI commander, namely TNI Commander Yudo Margono.

"I will continue the previous TNI Commander's programs and according to my vision and mission during my fit and proper test, namely the PRIMA TNI," Agus Subiyanto said in a press conference after being inaugurated as TNI Commander by President Joko Widodo at the State Palace. Jakarta, which was reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 22.

2. Strengthening the TNI

The reason is, TNI Commander Agus Subiyanto has a Vision; TNI is Professional, Responsive, Integrative, Modern, and Adaptive (PRIMA), one of which is pursued through the use of the main weapon system (alutsista) made in the country.

The reason is, the professional Indonesian National Army is realized by ensuring that the well-trained soldiers are equipped with modern defense equipment (well-equipped) made in the country.

The well-equipped mission was achieved by cooperating with the defense industry within the country, namely PT Pindad, making individual equipment and TNI units, for example, related to the need for weapons, drones, to reorganizing drone units and cyber units in accordance with the development of the strategic area currently ongoing.

According to Panglima Agus Subiyanto, a combination of Special Forces Command soldiers and the best shooter representatives from the TNI participated in the 2023 ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet (AARM) in Thailand using Pindad weapons.

"Alhamdulillah, using a weapon made by Pindad, AARM in Thailand which is currently underway and yesterday TNI personnel were able to reach the 1st place," he said.

On the other hand, for the needs of unmanned aircraft or drones, Agus continued, they will be collected through the procurement of domestic industries, PT Len.

Other aspects concern efforts to improve the professionalism of the TNI and are adrift of good organizational governance (well-organized), as well as the welfare of soldiers (well-paid), one of which is realized by increasing the allowance for the need for side dishes for the consumption of soldiers.angat sir!

3. Handle Conflicts In Papua

As we know, the former Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) admitted that he had received a direct mandate from President Jokowi. The special task he informed was related so that the TNI could collaborate with the ranks of the National Police and also the community to deal with the conflicts in Papua.

"Yes, there was a time when I went before him, the direction was yes, carrying out his main duties, collaborating with the National Police and all elements of society regarding the handling of Papua, about natural disasters that often occur. So we collaborate with the relevant ministries. That's what the president said," said Agus Subiyanto.

So those are some of the jobs that have been waiting for the new position of Panglima Agus Subiyanto, actually there are many more, but those are some that are summarized based on the results of several sources. Hopefully the TNI under its leadership can get even better... So after knowing the PR of the TNI Commander Agus Subiyanto, see other interesting news in VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize the news!

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