
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono invites the labor group to sue the determination of the 2024 DKI provincial minimum wage (UMP) to the court if it does not meet their expectations.

"Yes, it's okay. It's called the right of citizens. It's okay (trial to court)," said Heru at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, November 21.

The value of the increase in the DKI Jakarta UMP in 2022 announced by Heru is IDR 5,067,381 or IDR 5.06 million. The increase in the UMP is stated in the Governor's Decree (Kepgub) 818 of 2023 concerning the Provincial Minimum Wage in 2024.

With the nominal announced by Heru, the DKI Jakarta UMP in 2024 increased by Rp165,586 from the 2023 UMP which amounted to Rp4,901,798. The percentage increase in the UMP was 3.38 percent.

Heru admitted that he could not determine the nominal value of the Jakarta UMP in 2024, more than the number he has set now.

This is because this value is the maximum limit calculated using the formulation contained in Government Regulation (PP) Number 51 of 2023 concerning Wages.

"The DKI Regional Government has set the highest alpa at 0.3 according to PP 51 2023. The DKI Regional Government cannot pass the government regulations that have been set, which is a maximum of 0.3," explained Heru.

The amount of the UMP value is different from the recommendations of the labor group asking for a UMP value in 2024 of Rp5,637,068 or an increase of 5.6 percent.

Workers do not use the PP formula Number 51 of 2023 but the DKI Jakarta Inflation 1.89 percent, plus DKI Jakarta economic growth 4.96 percent, plus a certain index of 8.15 percent.

At a demonstration in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall today, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta SPSI LEM FSP DPD Yusup Suprapto always said that his party opened the option to challenge the determination of the 2024 DKI UMP in court if its value did not match their expectations.

"We will see how much he (Heru) has set. Apart from conveying his aspirations as part of the political process and democracy in this country, we can also take legal action. We can question it to institutions related to the judiciary, namely the Administrative Court (State Administrative Court). That is possible, "said Yusup.

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