
The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) appealed to residents of 17 districts and cities in South Sumatra (Sumsel) to be aware of the banjirkisau wind disaster as the transition season enters.

"The disaster of aangkisau wind or tornado that occurred in Pagaralam City, Thursday (16 November) resulted in several houses being lightly damaged to severe. It is possible that it could happen again in other places so it needs to be watched out for," said Head of Emergency Management of the South Sumatra BPBD Sudirman in Palembang, Monday, November 20, confiscated by Antara.

The bantengkisau wind disaster in Pagardin Village, Pagar Wangi Village, North Dempo District, Pagaralam City caused four houses to be lightly and heavily damaged, inhabited by 13 residents.

The victims of the bantengkisau wind disaster have been given assistance for basic food packages, blankets and mattresses.

According to him, bantengkisau winds need to be watched out for because they still have the potential to occur in both the area and other areas during the transition season.

The potential for heavy rain accompanied by strong winds during the day and night may still occur in the South Sumatra region.

"Seeing these conditions, people in this province during the transition or transition season should be aware of the possibility of a bantengishing wind disaster that can damage the roofs of houses, knock down trees, billboards, and other objects," he said.

To prevent unwanted things from happening, high vigilance is needed by avoiding being around objects or trees that are expected to collapse easily.

With high vigilance, when there is strong winds accompanied by rain, it can minimize community losses and prevent casualties.

"In addition to the bantengskiau wind, during the transition season from the dry season of the rainy season, people are also advised to be aware of the possibility of floods and landslides," said Sudirman.

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