
JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three Ganjar Pranowo will criticize the decline in law enforcement in the era of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government. Ganjar gave a score of five out of a maximum score of 10 for the government in terms of law enforcement, human rights, eradication of corruption and democracy. The assessment was expressed by Ganjar in a dialogue forum for the National Facilities of the Makassar State University Alumni Family Association (UNM), Saturday, November 18. Ganjar emphasized that there were many interventions and engineering carried out by policy makers, thus affecting the decline in law enforcement in Indonesia. This criticism is not the first time this former Governor of Central Java has made this criticism to Jokowi. The following is a series of criticisms by Ganjar who was summarized by VOI. 1. Food Estate Program Ganjar conveyed his criticism of the Food Estate program when he met PDIP cadres in Tabanan, last Thursday, November 2. According to Ganjar, President Jokowi's policy in the food estate sector is not a priority. Ganjar also assessed that the agricultural system in Indonesia was very good so there was no need to be replaced with a new program. If you want to make a food estate, you have to find a place that really allows to realize the program. 2. Downstream Only Focuses On Nickel Ganjar criticized downstreaming in Indonesia, which seems to only focus on nickel. He said that downstreaming has the potential to be done from various sectors. Starting from agriculture, plantations and marine. "Why don't we downstream the marine sector? Why don't we downstream our superior sectors related to agriculture and plantations? Palm Oil, for example, why not downstream? We already have gardens, palm oil factories, processed into oil, sold finished. Why doesn't anyone talk about cosmetics from that material? Why doesn't anyone talk about pharmaceuticals from there? The two of them are high in value asking for forgiveness. Why not?" said Ganjar while attending the 100 Economist Indonesia Sarasehan event at the Mega Bank Tower, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 8. 3. Many SOEs Karya Bangkrut Ganjar highlighted the reasons why many SOEs went bankrupt for not implementing good governance so that they could potentially burden state finances. "Yes, how about it, ma'am, how come it's not governance, isn't it, sir? Hayo, who plays there, who is already bankrupt, how much is SOEs? No governance", said Ganjar during the Indonesian Economist 100 Sarasehan, Wednesday, November 8.
Ganjar said that prudent management is needed, aka the heart of the BUMN Karya sector. Ganjar also said that SOEs must have integrity, clean and anti-corruption.

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