
JAKARTA - Dozens of Executive Boards of the Indonesian Teachers Association (PB PGRI) for the period 2023-2028 stormed and occupied the PB PGRI Office located on Jalan Tanah Abang III, Central Jakarta, today. The management for the 2023-2028 term of service was the result of the PGRI Extraordinary Congress (KLB) at the Sukolilo Hajj Dormitory, Surabaya, on November 3-4, 2023. Where the General Chairperson of PB PGRI was Teguh Sumarno replacing the previous chairman of Unifah Rosyidi. Teguh emphasized that the Executive Board of PGRI for the 2023-2028 Bakti XXIII period had received legal approval through the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-0001568.AH.01.08.203 concerning the Approval of Amendments to the Association of Teachers of the Republic of Indonesia. “ Some time ago Mrs. Unifah assessed that the KLB in Surabaya was illegal. "We are legal, there has been a decision from the Minister of Law and Human Rights. That's why today we occupy the PB PGRI office which should have become the right of the new management,” Teguh said after the press conference at the PB PGRI Office, Thursday, November 16. PB PGRI Secretary General Mansur Arsyad added, starting from November 13, 2023 in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as mentioned above, there has been a change in management of the PGRI Executive Board from the old PB PGRI Management with the General Chairperson of Unifah Rosyidi, Secretary Ali HA Rahim, and further replaced by the new PGRI Executive Board with General Chair Teguh Sumarno, Secretary General Mansur Arsyad, and beyond. “ Thus as of that date, Unifah Rosyidi's sister legally no longer has the right to and on behalf of PB PGRI for any purpose, ” said Mansur. Furthermore, said Mansur, because the PB PGRI management for the 2019-2023 period had ended with the issuance of the AHU AHU Decree-00001568.AH.01.08.2023 concerning the Approval of Amendments to the Association of Teachers of the Republic of Indonesia, Unifah Rosyidi is no longer entitled to occupy offices and use all facilities belonging to the organization.
"“Oleh, therefore it is fitting that the person concerned as soon as possible pack up and hand over the office to the legitimate management in accordance with the law," he said. Mansur also invited all PGRI administrators at all levels to jointly carry out reconciliation for the solidarity and solidity of the organization and reorganize this organization for the sake of elevating the dignity, dignity and professionalism of teachers throughout the country.

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