
YOGYAKARTA - Aiman Witjaksono is in the spotlight after he was reported for calling the police not neutral in the 2024 General Election. This Aiman case shocked the public because he is currently the Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud Md. The profiles and track records of Aiman Witjaksono were also widely covered by the public.

Aiman Witjaksono was reported to Polda Metro Jaya by the Alliance of Civil Society Elements for Democracy. The former famous television presenter is suspected of committing criminal acts of information crimes and electronic transactions. Through his personal Instagram account, Aiman said the police were not neutral in the election.

"Regarding his statement, there were friends from the police who objected to receiving orders from their commanders to win one of the presidential and vice presidential candidates, namely Prabowo-Gibran," said Fikri Fakhruddin, the alliance spokesman, at Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, on Monday (13/11).

According to the reporter, Aiman's statement was not based on valid and concrete data. Aiman Witjaksono's track record has also become a public conversation because so far he has been a well-known figure as a presenter and journalist.

Aiman Adi Witjaksono was born on July 8, 1978 and is currently 45 years old. Aiman studied at the Telkom High School of Technology. When he was a student, Aiman was active in activities outside the campus joined the Islamic Student Association (HMI).

After obtaining a Bachelor's degree, Aiman Witjaksono continued his master's studies at the University of Indonesia taking the Communication Management program. Aiman pursues the Sub Division of Political Communication and Mass Media.

The results of a study in the field of communication, after completing his master's degree, Aiman Witjaksono started his career on TV stations. Aiman first jumped into the media industry in 2002 as an RCTI reporter. His career journey was quite brilliant because he managed to occupy the position of senior journalist to Executive Producer on the main news program Seputar Indonesia.

Aiman Witjaksono worked at RCTI for around 10 years. After serving on the famous TV station for a long time, Aiman then continued his career with Kompas TV. He worked for Kompas TV from January 2012 to November 2022.

When hosting the show on Kompas TV, Aiman discussed and discussed the latest issues in the community in depth. After taking part with this television station for a long time, Aiman decided to resign and chose to join the MNC Group.

Under the TV station that has made his name, MNC Group, Aiman has a bigger responsibility. In his new place, Aiman holds the position of Deputy Editor-in-Chief. In addition, Aiman is also a presenter for the 'The Prime Show' news program on iNews.

After decades of activity in the television media industry, Aiman Witjaksono swerved into politics. Aiman wants to be a candidate for the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Perindo Party at the 2024 General Election. It is known that Aiman also has a temporary inactive status as a journalist from the campaign period to the 2024 General Election.

Aiman Witjaksono's report to the police began with his statement on social media which stated that there was a police commander who supported the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming. This information was obtained by Aiman from several of his friends in the police.

"I received information from several friends at the Police, they objected to being asked by the commander who directed the victory of the Prabowo-Gibran pair," wrote Aiman via the @aimanwitjaksono Instagram account, on Tuesday (14/11).

The reporter from the Alliance assessed that Aiman's statement had a negative impact on the police because what was conveyed did not refer to concrete and valid data.

Such is the review of the track record of Aiman Witjaksono presenter and famous journalists who were reported to the police for alleged crime of information. Aiman stated that he would follow and undergo a legal process if he was examined by the Polda Metro Jaya.

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