
JAKARTA - State officials who will carry out the campaign must submit a leave letter to the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) according to their level no later than three days before the implementation of the 2024 General Election campaign. This is stated in KPU Regulation (PKPU) Number 15 of 2023 concerning General Election Campaign Article 62 and Article 63 received in Jakarta, Friday, November 10. In the regulation of leave at PKPU, it is equivalent to the provisions of the deputy minister's leave. "The provisions regarding the leave of state officials who are the implementers of the Election Campaign or the Election Campaign team as referred to in Article 62 apply mutatively to the provisions regarding the leave of the deputy minister," reads PKPU 15 of 2023 Article 63. State officials carrying out campaigns, state officials who are members of political parties are also obliged to pay attention to the duties of state administration and/or government. And it is prohibited to use state facilities and facilities attached to positions.
The following are PKPU Number 15 of 2023 Article 62 and Article 63. (1) The election campaign by state officials is carried out in accordance with the Law which regulates elections. (2) The provisions as referred to in paragraph (1) include provisions regarding the rights of state officials to carry out election campaigns, state officials who are members of political parties or not members of political parties, the obligation to pay attention to the duties of state and/or government administration, and the prohibition of the use of state facilities and facilities attached to positions. (3) State officials who are given leave to carry out election campaigns must comply with the procedures for implementing leave in accordance with government regulations that regulate leave in the implementation of election campaigns. (4) Leave as referred to in paragraph (3) must be processed in writing and the leave letter is submitted to the KPU, Provincial KPU, or Regency/City KPU according to its level no later than 3 (three) days before the implementation of the election campaign. (5) The leave letter as referred to in paragraph (4) is also submitted to Bawaslu, Bawaslu Province, or Bawaslu Regency/City. Article 63 Provisions regarding the leave of state officials who are the implementers of the Election Campaign or the Election Campaign team as referred to in Article 62 apply mutatively to the provisions regarding the leave of the deputy minister.

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