
JAKARTA - The National Winning Team (TPN) pair of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice president (cawapres) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD want to bring Indonesia forward and superior from other countries. Executive Secretary of TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Heru Dewanto, revealed that this was when dissecting the vision and mission of the candidate pair (paslon) for the 2024 presidential election. "What we mean by Indonesia is superior in a competitive sense, more than any other country. Not only advancing, but relatively superior to other countries," Heru said in his statement, Friday, November 10, was confiscated by Antara. The Ganjar-Mahfud pair carries the vision 'Toward Indonesia Superior: Quick Action Realizing a Fair Maritime State and Lestari'. The vision was translated into eight fast motion missions consisting of 114 programs. Fast movement, he said, related to Indonesia's remaining 13 years in utilizing demographic bonuses for the nation's progress.

According to him, there is no other choice, except to move quickly in order to take advantage of the opportunities that come in just one time in the life cycle of the nation and state. Heru revealed that the Ganjar-Mahfud pair will use a new approach in the nation's development. As the largest archipelagic country in the world, Indonesia must see the oceans not as a separator, but as a unifying for the entire archipelago in Indonesia. "Thus, all the resources in the islands and oceans are a resource for the progress of our nation and state," said Heru. Adil and sustain, he continued, is the goal for this nation to create a just and prosperous society in a sustainable and sustainable environment. Out of the eight missions, the first two missions of the Ganjar-Mahfud pair practically focused on human resources. In this case, he said, how to build superior, healthy, intelligent, skilled, skilled, and productive Indonesian Indonesians, then human development through mastery of science and technology through accelerated research and innovation.

Misi ketiga, keempat, kelima, dan keenam, pasangan Ganjar-Mahfud bicara bagaimana manusia unggul bisa menggerakkan perekonomian di Indonesia. Ekonomi yang ingin Ganjar-Mahfud bangun adalah ekonomi berbasis nilai tambah dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi merata di Indonesia."Digitalisasi harus dimanfaatkan tidak hanya di sektor konsumsi, tetapi juga produksi," ujar Heru.Misi ketujuh dan kedelapan Ganjar-Mahfud, kata Heru, bagaimana bisa menciptakan birokrasi yang sehat, penegakan hukum, dan penghormatan terhadap hak asasi manusia."Yang terpenting menciptakan demokrasi substantif, menempatkan Indonesia dalam kancah pergaulan global secara sehat dan berdaya saing," pungkasnya.

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