
JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (Capres) Prabowo Subianto stated that Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution (UUD) is a blueprint economy of Indonesia.

"When we talk about economic problems, the 1945 Constitution is clear. Article 33 is an order of the Constitution. Article 33 is a print of the Indonesian economy," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 8.

According to him, Indonesia has extraordinary capital to become a prosperous country considering that there are various potential natural resources owned by the homeland.

Starting from the world's largest nickel reserves, the world's second-largest lead reserves, the 6th largest bauxite reserves in the world, the 7th largest copper reserves in the world, 437 gigawatts (gw) renewable energy potential, sustainable fishing production potential every year of 12 million tons, to the potential for sea cultivation production of 50 million tons per year.

However, so far, the Indonesian nation is considered not good at maintaining and managing this wealth because the phenomenon of outflowing aot national wealth (flowing out of national wealth) is considered a systemic problem.

"This problem is because we are not loyal to our own Basic Law, to the development design blueprint made by our nation's founders. From 1945 it was clearly stated in Article 33 Paragraph 1 that the economy was prepared as a joint effort based on the principle of kinship," he said.

Likewise with Article 33 Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution which emphasizes the great role of the state in managing natural resources in the country for the prosperity of the people.

"We can argue how much is controlled by the state, but in principle the state must be present, the state must be active if necessary. It is an economy that we must implement, and that's what I say, let's return to our identity," he said. who also serves as Minister of Defense.

Prabowo considers the founders of the Indonesian nation to design an economic system not based on neoliberal capitalism as a number of countries in the West World. In fact, the neoliberal capitalism system is said to be no longer sold because it is unable to bring prosperity to the wider community.

He assumed that countries with very rapid economic developments had similar articles to Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. Thus, Indonesia's way of achieving prosperity is to return to the Pancasila economy which is a combination of ideas from both capitalism and socialism or middle ground.

A number of Pancasila's economic principles are a religious economy and realize national unity, uphold humanity, side with national, egalitarian and populist interests, and social justice. In other sense, the Pancasila economy does not want the government to only be a referee.

"It turns out, President Joko Widodo realized the Pancasila economy. All of his clear programs are thewelfare state, this is a state in favor of defending the poor, this makes the safety net to take care of the weakest people. This has been proven and has been running, tens of millions of people have received benefits from all of this, (among other things) electricity subsidies and LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) Rp45 trillion, fuel subsidies (Bakar Oil Subsidies) Rp61 trillion, to housing subsidies Rp25 trillion," said Prabowo.

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