
A Russian citizen with the initials SK was detained at the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) Semarang, Central Java, due to a violation of residence permits.

Head of the Semarang Rudenim Retno Mumpuni in Semarang, Tuesday, said that the decree was a foreign national who was transferred from the Cirebon Immigration office.

"The violation exceeds 10 months and 28 days of stay," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, November 7.

According to him, administrative procedures to health checks on decrees had been carried out before being detained at the detention house.

The plan, he continued, is that the decree will be sent home or deported to its home country.

"The plan is to be deported, still waiting for coordination with the Russian Embassy," he said.

Until now, he continued, there were 10 detainees who were detained at the detention house in Semarang.

The foreign nationals each came from Russia, Nigeria, Taiwan, Srilanka, Yemen, Algeria, Sudan, Iran, Myanmar, and one person without citizenship.

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