
YOGYAKARTA The results of the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court or MKMK regarding the alleged ethical violation of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman and constitutional judges will be read out today, Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 16.00 WIB. Then what is Anwar Usman's ethical sanction if he is proven to have violated?

Regarding what sanctions Anwar Usman might receive if he is proven to have violated ethics, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Asshiddiqie had said there were three sanctions options.

"In the Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK), it is clear that there are three kinds (sanctions), warnings, warnings, and dismissals," Jimly explained to reporters after holding the first day of ethics trial at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, Tuesday night, October 31.

1. Sanctions Dismissal

Jimly explained that the hardest part of the sanctions was the dismissal. The sanctions for dismissal consist of dishonorable dismissal, respectful dismissal, and dismissal are not members of constitutional judges, but as chairman.

"In addition, there was also a dismissal not as a member, but only dismissed as chairman," said Jimly.

2. Warning sanctions

While the warning also has more than one variation, ranging from uncharacterized warnings, ordinary warnings, to very hard warnings.

"Warning, some are not described, but there are many variations. Ordinary warnings, it could also be a stern warning, it could also be a very stern warning. So, it's not determined within PMK, but the variations are possible," added Jimly.

3. Reprimand sanctions

Ethical sanctions that can be given can also be in the form of a warning consisting of a written or verbal warning. Jimly gave an example, the warning delivered verbally along with the submission of the verdict so that he did not need a special written letter.

But it can also be a warning with a special letter. A special letter gives a warning, but a decision is attached. So as a result there are 3 (sanctions), but there can be many variants. So warnings, warnings, dismissals. The variation is just waiting. So, later on, the creativity of the MKMK is about how good this is," he said.

However, Jimly said, if constitutional judges are not proven to have committed violations as reported, rehabilitation will be carried out.

"So nine (of the judges) got hit, all reported, here. Yes, maybe some of the nine (of the judges) were rehabilitated. These are good people, well, we'll call it that," added Jimly.

The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) itself will read out the verdict regarding the alleged ethical violation of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman and other constitutional judges regarding the decision to take 90/PUU-XXI/2023 today, Tuesday at Building I MK, Jakarta.

MKMK chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie explained that the verdict would be read out in the afternoon starting from the plenary session.

"Later, the verdict will be read out on Tuesday at 4 o'clock after 1 o'clock there is a plenary session at (Gemung 1) MK," said Jimly at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Friday, November 3, 2023.

That's information regarding the ethical sanctions of Anwar Usman. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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