PDIP Honorary Head Komarudin Said Gibran Is Distinguished With Bobby Nasution
Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Honorary Affairs Komarudin Watubun/PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI


Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Honorary Affairs Komarudin Watubun said Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Bobby Nasution had different attitudes.

This was conveyed by Komarudin after talking for about an hour with the Mayor of Medan behind closed doors at the PDIP DPP Office. He said, Gibran, who is the Mayor of Solo and the son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), clearly insulted.

"Mas Gibran's case is a bit different, yes. We have called Mas Gibran, we officially call him, we ask him in this room ourselves, Mas Gibran said he was upright with the General Chair, right," Komarudin told reporters, Monday, November 6.

"Then he was given a task, so, the millennial regional head who campaigned around, so that he was given a task but ignored. It was part of a clear disobedience. Then he took the position of running for vice president," he continued.

Meanwhile, Bobby is said to have never had problems by Komarudin. "Just yesterday he made a new declaration, because the volunteers were there, I, well, that's what we ask for clarification on that statement," he said.

In fact, President Jokowi's son-in-law is said to be confused by his choice of attitude. Because Bobby felt the need to support Gibran.

But, on the one hand, he did not want to leave the PDIP who had raised him. Despite understanding this confusion, Komarudin said Bobby had to act immediately because PDIP cadres could not play two feet.

In fact, Komarudin asked him to immediately return the PDIP membership card (KTA). "We give two, three days," he said.

As previously reported, Bobby Nasution recently supported the Prabowo-Gibran pair. Although initially reluctant, he replied that he would provide support for his brother-in-law.

"Definitely!" Bobby said briefly when asked by the media about his direction of support for Prabowo-Gibran, at the Medan Mayor's office, North Sumatra, Wednesday, October 25.

Bobby then called Gibran suitable and worthy of being a vice presidential candidate. "I think he is very good at taking a moment, in taking lessons, and this can be a lesson," he said.

Before long, he joined the volunteers of the Bobby Nasution Collaboration House to support Prabowo-Gibran. In fact, he is a party cadre bearing the bull symbol that carries the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD pair.

"If we have ordered volunteers to go there (Prabowo-Gibran, red) yes, like it or not, we want to go there," said Bobby in a written statement received in Medan, North Sumatra, Sunday, November 5.

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