
PT KAI Persero Daop 2 Bandung recorded that the Siliwangi Railway journey returned to normal after being hampered by fallen trees at a number of crossings in Cianjur Regency, West Java. As an anticipatory measure, officers cut trees that are prone to falling. Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung, Trang Bawono, said that his party was cutting trees along the Siliwangi train crossing in Cianjur Regency as an effort to anticipate interference with train travel during extreme weather. "The felling of trees at seven points along the crossing route coordinates with the relevant agencies in the Cianjur Regency Government, but those that enter the land owned by PT KAI are immediately carried out," he said when contacted, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 6. During the rainy season or extreme weather, railroad crossings are prone to falling trees, so that they can interfere with the journey such as what happened during the Siliwangi train trip was hampered because the crossing was covered by a fallen tree. KAI cut down trees at seven points along the Siliwangi train crossing in Cianjur which has the potential to close crossings, including trees that interfere with the machinist's view. "We have received reports of fallen trees and blocked railroad crossings in Cianjur, in the past week fallen trees occurred at three fallen trees, precisely in the plots of Jalan Ciranjang-Cianjur KM 96+400 and KM 97+2/3, as well as plots of Cianjur-Cibeber road KM 93+300/400," he said. He also asked residents who found trees that could potentially fall along railroad crossings in Cianjur to report to the station or train gate guard.
"We are also alerting officers to carry out patrols and surveillance of fallen trees along the railroad crossing in Cianjur and other areas that the Siliwangi train passes through," he said.

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