
Batang Resort Police, Central Java confiscated as many as 65 illegal teak logs that were suspected of being stolen by arresting a perpetrator with the initials AS, a resident of Kendal Regency.

Batang Police Chief AKBP Saufi Salamun said as many as 65 teak logs measuring 1 meter long were cut down from the forest area belonging to Perhutani in Jatisari Village, Subah District.

"Yes, we have arrested a driver of the wood transport truck who has now been named a suspect. Currently, we are still pursuing other perpetrators who are now at large," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, November 6.

According to him, the disclosure of the case began with information from Perhutani regarding the alleged illegal teak timber transportation brought from the forest area of Jatisari Village, Subah District.

Based on this information, the joint team consisted of the Batang Police, Perhutani and the Subah Police immediately conducted a sweep into an area suspected of being a location for cutting teak wood.

As a result, the joint team found someone loading teak wood into the back of the truck. After an inspection, it turned out that the dozens of logs were not equipped with valid documents.

The police chief, who was accompanied by the Head of the Detective and Criminal Unit AKP Imam Muhtadi, said that based on the results of the investigation, it was known that the US was only tasked with transporting the teak wood while the main perpetrator who carried out the logging was still being chased by the police.

"We will continue to develop the case, including chasing loggery who is also the owner of illegal teak wood," he said.

The perpetrator was charged with Article 83 paragraph 1 Letter b, Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction, which has also been amended in the Job Creation Act with a penalty of 15 years in prison.

"The driver and the main perpetrator are threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 100 billion," he said.

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