
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri briefly mentioned the deviation of positions and power before the Deputy for Enforcement and Execution of the KPK, Rudi Setiawan, who was just inaugurated today, Monday, November 6. From the monitoring of the KPK RI's YouTube, the closed activities without notice began with taking the oath of office led by Firli Bahuri after reading the decree. Furthermore, he talked about several things in his remarks including the matter of deviation. "It is impossible to eradicate corruption as long as we are still dealing with poverty, with the behavior of deviation, and also abuse of power," Firli said in his remarks in front of high-ranking officials and anti-corruption commission employees.

To investigate this case Firli's house in Bekasi, West Java and Jalan Kertanegara, South Jakarta has also been searched by the police. Later, it was discovered that the house in Kertanegara did not belong to Firli but was rented from Alexis' nightclub boss, Alex Tirta. The house is said to have also witnessed the silentness of the meeting between Firli-Syahrul. Although Firli denied it, Syahrul had confirmed the incident after he was questioned by the anti-corruption commission some time ago.

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