
TULUNGAGUNG - An elderly man with the initials RA (68) who works as a financier of pine sap was found dead in the middle of a burning forest around Prambun Village, Tugu District, Trenggalek, East Java.

Allegedly, the victim was caught in the middle of a flames that burned the plot forest area where he was tapping pine sap.

Several witnesses believe that RA died as a result of being burned while trying to extinguish the fire during a forest fire in plots 56-1 of the Trenggalek RPH, where he made a living.

"That's right, the person concerned works as a worker with pine sap in the plot," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Trenggalek Police, AKP Zainul Abidin.

Before he died, it is believed that the victim fainted first due to too much inhalation of carbon monoxide gas that was harmful to the body.

Zainul added that officers did not find any elements of abuse or acts of violence in that case.

He said that RA had purely died as a result of being burned in the forest and land fires (karhutla) on Thursday (2/11).

This conclusion was strengthened by the results of the examination of witnesses and the processing of the crime scene.

"The results of the crime scene, 100 percent of purely died from fire," he said.

He explained that the victim died from a fire after collapsing while trying to extinguish the fire. Because, in the midst of his activities of tapping rubber, suddenly at the location where he worked he experienced a fire.

The hotspots came from below and quickly burned forest areas with an area of approximately one hectare. Including the victim who was currently active.

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