
JAKARTA - The Association of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Herbal Medicine Developers (PDPOTJI) is conducting research related to the use of herbal oles for monkeypox sufferers or monkeypox.

"There is a history of empirical experience traditionally from the past of the ancestors, there is indeed a treatment called the Kacacar eruption. There is indeed an herbal medicine that can be applied to people who suffer from any type of smallpox," said the General Chairperson of PDPOTJI Inggrid Tania when contacted in Jakarta, Friday, November 3, was confiscated by Antara.

He said, in the early stages of investigating, PDPOTJI continued to understand the ancient medicine book from the Kacar screening, which will later be developed and further investigated into topical drugs or drugs that can be applied to monkeypox lesions.

According to him, the pager explains in detail how to make ingredients and use the results of herbal medicines that have been made to treat smallpox or Smallpox.

"It turns out that this concoction used to be used for the smallpox case (Smallpox) and this may also be used in the Monkeypox case, as in the antiviral case in Smallpox used for Mpox, as well as in herbal medicine," he said.

Lontar Kacar said there are 75 types of herbal plants that can be used to cure symptoms in smallpox, especially those related to red rashes or lesions.

He said the book explains in detail the use of suitable plant species and is adjusted to the symptoms experienced when infected.

"They distinguish from what kind of symptoms, for example, crust has arisen, so if there is an herbal crucial that has appeared, there are herbs that are used, then how to make them, crushed, boiled, and even traditionally, some are used topically or applied," he said.

According to him, the presence of notes from the puppeteer of Kacar is very valuable information for PDPOTJI to develop traditional medicine, especially monkeypox.

The use of herbal medicines that can be used by being applied or topical in the skin lesions of people affected by monkeypox, according to him, must be done very hygienically.

"It is a little unhygienic in preparing and applying it, so it can actually trigger secondary infection, cause bacterial infection," he said.

He also said that until now the use of herbal medicines of the type of oles for monkeypox lesions has not been recommended, until later it is found or there are research results that officially state that the Mpox herbal oles drug is safe to use.

"This includes research on how to make it, and the rules for its use," he said.

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