Medan Immigration Secures 33 Non-Procedural Migrants
The Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra, Mhd Jahari Sitepu (center) while directly reviewing the conditions for the 33 non-procedural PMIs at the Class I Immigration Office Special for the Medan TPI. ((ANTARA/HO- Public Relations Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra)


MEDAN - The Medan TPI Special Class I Immigration Office, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of North Sumatra secured 33 non-procedural Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) or without going through Immigration Checkpoints (TPI) and Immigration Officers examinations.

A total of 33 PMIs entered Indonesian territory without going through the legitimate TPI and the examination of Immigration Officers. The PMI entered through the waters of Labu Beach, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

"Arriving at Labu Beach, the 33 non-procedural PMIs were picked up using a truck, and caught during a raid by the police," said Head of the North Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Mhd Jahari Sitepu, while directly reviewing the conditions for 33 non-procedural PMIs at the Class I Immigration Office Special TPI Medan reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 3.

Jahari said the Medan Special Class I Immigration Office in collaboration with the Labu Beach Police and Deli Serdang Police moved quickly to coordinate and check the 33 PMIs along with a truck driver and a kernet (colt diesel), then found 16 Indonesian Passports, and 3 SPLPs, and 14 Indonesian citizens without owning/carrying Immigration documents.

"Of the 33 non-procedural PMIs, there are 28 men and five women, the majority of whom are from Aceh Province," said the Head of the North Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office.

He said the Medan Special Class I Immigration Office would coordinate with the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Service Center (BP3MI) for the North Sumatra Region to be repatriated to their respective areas of origin.

"The existence of the 33 PMIs is currently being handled and coordinated to be followed up, then data collection related to Immigration documents owned by 33 PMIs entering Indonesian territory without going through the Immigration Checkpoint," said Kakanwil.

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