
JAKARTA - The presidential and vice presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD is determined to accelerate the development of an independent economy based on knowledge and added value.

Director of Naration and Content of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN), Roby Muhamad, revealed that the spearhead for the success of the mission is an active role for the community in building the national economy.

"With the independent economy, we strive to strengthen the people's productive ability to play an active role in building a national economy that prospers all people fairly," Roby said in his statement, Friday, November 3, quoted by Antara.

In this way, superior Indonesia will be determined and based on the power of people's independence to process the potential and capital of natural resources (SDA) and their social resources.

Roby said that in an independent economy, Indonesia can transform into an industrial country.

"This nation no longer only relies on natural resources, but relies on the strength of human resources in processing natural resources into finished or semi-finished products, so it does not depend on other countries," he said.

According to Roby, to be able to realize this mission, many programs will be carried out by Ganjar-Mahfud, one of which is the acceleration of industrialization which is oriented to added value.

"The reliable food sovereignty and agricultural industry, the development of trade systems and national and global supply chains, progressive prioritization of national investment, and careful management of foreign investment to support national development," he said.

The next program is the development of an integrated tourism industry, community-based and environmentally friendly, the promotion of the creative economy through partnership schemes, development of the sharia economy and the halal industry, comprehensive development of the maritime industry (upstream), as well as increasing connectivity and productive use of infrastructure.

"The target is of course all Indonesian people, especially the productive age generation in the form of job opportunities and business opportunities," said Roby.

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