
BENGKULU - Police arrested Kermin, a drug dealer in Bengkulu who had just been released for several months from Nusakambangan Prison, Central Java Province (Central Java).

The arrest of Kermin, after the Sub-Directorate I team of the Narcotics Directorate of the Bengkulu Police carried out developments after making arrests of suspected perpetrators of methamphetamine-type narcotics abuse, namely TR. "KR is a recidivist who is a former drug dealer in Bengkulu City who was detained in Nusakambangan Prison and has only been released for about 5-6 months," said Deputy Director of Narcotics at the Bengkulu Police AKBP Tonny Kurniawan at the Bengkulu Police Headquarters, Friday, November 3, was confiscated by Antara. Chronology of the arrest of 31 October 2023 at around 19.00 WIB, while Kermin was having dinner at a catfish pecel stall in the Patah area of Bengkulu City. Then, the perpetrator was arrested along with another perpetrator who was later identified as a drug courier with the initials DD. After the arrest, the two perpetrators were taken to retrieve evidence and equipment stored related to narcotics abuse crimes committed by Kermin.

Lanjut Tonny, usai melakukan penggeledahan di rumah Kermin yang ada di Kawasan Sawah Lebar Kota Bengkulu, polisi berhasil mengamankan 12 paket narkotika jenis sabu.Selanjutnya lima unit handphone, dua timbangan digital, dua bundel plastik klip bening, dua buku tabungan, satu skop sabu dan uang tunai Rp4,2 juta.Tonny menjelaskan, para pelaku terancam dua pasal yaitu 114 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika dengan pidana penjara seumur hidup atau pidana penjara paling singkat lima tahun dan paling lama 20 tahun dan pidana denda paling sedikit Rp1 miliar dan paling banyak Rp10 miliar.Serta Pasal 112 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika dengan pidana penjara paling singkat empat tahun dan paling lama 12 tahun dan pidana denda paling sedikit Rp800 juta dan paling banyak Rp8 miliar.

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