Night Club Boss Alex Tirta Rented Kertanegara House 46 For Firli Bahuri Since 2020
Director of Special Criminal Investigation of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak/Photo: Rizky Adytia-VOI


JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police called the house on Kertanegara Street Number 46, South Jakarta, for rent by Tirta Juwanda Darmadji alias Alex Tirta. The rental of the house which was used as a 'safe house', KPK chairman Firli Bahuri since 2020.

"(House is rented) starting in 2020," said Director of the Special Criminal Investigation of the Jakarta Police Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak when confirmed, Wednesday, November 1.

Alex Tirta, who is a businessman of night entertainment, as well as the Daily Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI), rented a fairly high price. Hundreds must also be issued to pay every year.

"The rent is around IDR 650 million a year," said Ade.

The plan, investigators will examine Alex Tirta today. Taking the information is to make light about rental status.

Because, Alex Tirta who rented to the owner with the initials E. However, the one who occupied the house was actually Firli Bahuri.

"There are three witnesses who (today) were examined at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police. One of them was Alex Tirta," he said

For an examination of Alex Tirta it is said to take place around 13.00 WIB. Entrepreneur at night entertainment even said to be present for the examination.

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