
JAKARTA - Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Pol. Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro said his party had examined 17 witnesses in the investigation into reports of alleged hate speech crimes with reported Rocky Gerung.

"Currently, investigators have examined 17 witnesses since the fingerprint process," said Djuhandhani in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 31.

This case, he said, had already carried out a case title and investigators agreed to raise the status of case handling from investigation to investigation.

Investigators have also issued a Notice of Investigation Commencement (SPDP) on October 17, 2023 and sent it to the Attorney General's Office on October 19.

"The results of the case are known to have occurred a criminal act," said Djuhandhani.

After the investigation process is underway, said Djuhandhani, his party will immediately carry out a case title to determine the suspect.

The next plan, the team will immediately be sent to the North Sumatra Police, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, Yogyakarta and to the Metro Jaya Police. These areas became the place where the police report was received against Rocky Gerung.

This team, he said, was sent to the regional police to complete the evidence or investigations that were adjusted to the results obtained from the investigation at Bareskrim.

"Although the investigators from the regional police are also members of the RG (Rocky Gerung) investigation team, this is a fairly large investigation team, because it involves investigators from the regional police who mentioned earlier. We joined the investigation team," he said.

Djuhandhani conveyed that next week's plan, the investigation into the Rocky Gerung case under the leadership of Wadirpidum Bareskrim Polri will send members to carry out coordination with the investigations at a number of regional police stations above, and also look for experts in the local area for further investigation.

Currently, he said, Rocky Gerung's status as the reported party will be formally summoned after investigators collect the results of the investigation of witnesses.

"That's what we will call RG's brother," he said.

The summons was made after investigators finished examining witnesses who are currently being scheduled to be examined.

"As I said earlier, we have examined 17 witnesses, including experts. Then we also looked at the places where there were police reports to gather witnesses, after that we will call RG's brother," said Djuhandhani.

In this case, the National Police received 26 police reports from five regional police and Bareskrim.

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