
JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate (candidate) Ganjar Pranowo said the PDI-P (PDIP) would not be dissolved in sadness even though President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his family left him. He said they would immediately move because this kind of thing was not the first time his party had experienced it.

This was conveyed by Ganjar in response to the statement of the Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto who said that his party was sad because President Jokowi was left because he did not want to smooth out requests that violated the constitution.

"There must be sadness, but we will not cry. The Bull is not cryy, the tight bull moves immediately," Ganjar told reporters in Jakarta quoted Monday, October 30.

He said his party would not romanticize sadness. He even invited all parties to remember the events of July 27, 1996 or Kudatuli.

For information, the incident began when the PDIP office, which was controlled by supporters of Megawati Soekarnoputri, was forcibly taken by the mass supporters of Soerjadi, who is the General Chair of the PDI Congress version in Medan with the police and the TNI. This incident caused casualties and has not yet been investigated.

"We have to fight. PDIP when PDI was beaten badly, at the office (PDIP DPP office, ed) some even died, don't forget Kudatuli, and we try to fight again. We're not crying about everything. what happened," he said.

Moreover, Ganjar assessed that the decision taken by President Jokowi and his family was a political choice that must be respected. Including, the advancement of Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) Prabowo Subianto in the 2024 presidential election.

"Until now, at this time, I respect Pak Jokowi, respecting Mas Gibran as a political choice," he said.

As previously reported, Hasto said that PDIP was saddened by the abandonment of Jokowi's family. Even though many civiles have been given by the party bearing the bull symbol.

"We love and give such great privilege to President Jokowi and his family, but we are abandoned because there are other requests that have the potential to violate the preordination of goodness and the Constitution," said Hasto in a written statement.

"At first we just prayed that it didn't happen, but it really happened," continued Hasto.

Hasto hopes that this dark democracy can pass. Moreover, party members and cadres bearing the bull symbol from the start always escorted President Jokowi tirelessly from regional head elections (pilkada) to presidential elections (pilpres).

But lately they have to look at constitutional disobedience and legal engineering at the Constitutional Court (MK) to nominate Gibran. "And the people already understand who left who for the sake of power's ambition," he concluded.

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