
Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus Maclarimboen said investigators would investigate the cause of the fire that occurred in the Jayapura Regional Government office area on Mount Merah Sentani, Sunday, October 29, morning.

The buildings that burned were the three-story D building and contained six agencies, namely the Jayapura Regency Environment Service, the Agriculture and Holticulture Service, the Plantation and Livestock Service, the Fisheries Service, and the Tourism Office and the Food Security Service.

"The fire started with one of the rooms on the third floor," said Jayapura Police Chief Akbp Fredrickus Maclarimboen in Sentani, Jayapura, Papua, Sunday.

He explained that before the fire of the three-story building, there had been a fire in building A in front of the panel room but the officers managed to extinguish it.

When asked whether the incident was caused by burning, the Jayapura Police Chief admitted that his party suspected that there was an indication, but to ensure the results of the investigation that would involve the Papua Police Labfor as well as the crime scene (TKP).

"The team will conduct a crime scene investigation and his party has not been able to confirm how much damage was caused by the fire," said the Police Chief

The Jayapura Regional Government's building fire is the third time this year, previously also burned down the Archives Office and the KPU Office.

"The Resort Police have stepped up security in the Jayapura Regional Government office area on Mount Merah Sentani, but with this incident it will be discussed again regarding security so that it does not happen again," said AKBP Fredrickus.

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