JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reminded the public about the difference in elections during the General Recovery (Pemilu) contest, not to be used as an excuse for mutual hostility. Unity and unity must be maintained for the advancement of Indonesia.
"Even though there are differences of opinion, it's a normal thing, don't let differences of opinion, this difference of choice then damage unity and integrity that we must continue to maintain," Sigit told reporters at Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Saturday, October 28.
All parties are also asked to maintain a dignified political situation. Thus, it is aware of all things that have the potential to divide.
"We control dignified politics, we avoid things that can divide the people, can divide religious society," he said.
"Anyone leader must be able to serve, must be able to guard, must be able to encourage existing travel, existing development can truly create a prosperous society, achieving the goal of Indonesia's 2045 golden vision," continued Sigit.
Not to forget, Sigit also asked all his staff to continue to synergize with the TNI and all parties involved in securing the 2024 General Election. Thus, the five-year democratic party will run peacefully.
"Because this is our crucial point to be able to jump forward if we can hold this election safely, smoothly and peacefully," said Sigit.
In maintaining the security of the 2024 General Election, the National Police held Operation Steady Brata which began on October 17.
The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Shandi Nugroho, said that all ranks and units will receive tasks according to their portion during the implementation of the Steady Brata Operation which is planned to last for 222 days. Thus, securing the democratic party will run well.
"Later, the division of tasks will be carried out according to their respective portions, both at the central and regional levels," he said.
Regarding the deployment of personnel, Shandi said there had been no changes. The National Police will alert 434,197 personnel from the level of the National Police Headquarters to the regional police ranks. "Until now, the number of personnel is still in accordance with the initial plan," said Shandi.
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