
JAKARTA - Indonesia urges the United Nations to take concrete steps to deal with the crisis in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, assessing concerns are dashed due to narrow political interests, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said while attending an emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (SMU) session discussing Israel's illegal actions, which was held by New York, United States, Thursday local time.

On the occasion, Foreign Minister Retno requested that violence in Gaza be stopped immediately, civilians could be protected, and humanitarian aid could be given immediately. He also asked UN member countries to use their hearts to defend justice and humanity.

"How many times have we stood in this hall to reduce the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine. There are countless times when we hold an emergency meeting at the UN High School regarding the fate of the Palestinian people. However, countless times we hope to be dashed due to narrow political interests," said Foreign Minister Retno, in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Friday, October 27.

The Foreign Minister said the world seemed to refuse to see the reality of the disaster in Gaza. In fact, to this day, attacks and massacres in Gaza are still ongoing. In the midst of this disaster, it is unfortunate that DK PBB failed to take the necessary steps.

For this reason, he continued, the United Nations High School must be able to carry out a role that failed to be carried out by the UN DK. According to him, the UN High School must prove that the population of the United Nations upholds human dignity and life.

My presence here is to defend humanity. Indonesia condemns the harsh violence perpetrated by Israel against Palestine, including attacks on hospitals and places of worship in Gaza. Murder, kidnapping, and collective punishment for civilians indiscriminately must be condemned for being inhuman and violating international law," said Foreign Minister Retno.

As of Thursday, the Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed that the death toll of Palestinians as a result of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip reached 7,028, citing the Daily Sabah.

Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qedra said the death toll, including about 2,913 children, 1,709 women and 397 elderly people. While the injured reached 18,484 people.

It is known that the death toll this time was recorded as the highest in Gaza, since Israel withdrew from the region in 2005.

"Israeli population deliberately carried out 731 massacres against families. We received 1,650 reports of missing persons, including 940 children who are still buried in the rubble," said al-Qedra.

He added that Israeli forces deliberately targeted 57 health care facilities, causing 12 hospitals and 32 primary care centers to malfunction, and 101 medics were killed in the attack.

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