
Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution received an award from the Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPK RI) because his area is considered as the city government with the highest value of controlling infrastructure, facilities, and utilities (PSU) at the North Sumatra level in 2022.

The award certificate number KSP.00/1322/2023 was handed over by the Director of Coordination and Supervision of Region I of the KPK Edi Suryanto to Bobby Nasution at the coordination meeting for the rescue of State/Regional Finances, Thursday, October 26.

In the series of coordination meetings, the Medan City Government also received 605 certificates of regional property (BMD). The certificate was handed over by the Secretary General of the Ministry of ATR/BPN represented by the Director of Land Determination of Government Agencies, Sri Pranoto.

This certificate was also immediately received by Mayor Bobby Nasution at an event attended by Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Nurul Gufron, Acting Governor of North Sumatra Hassanudin, Chairman of the North Sumatra DPRD Baskami Ginting, elements of the North Sumatra Forkopimda, as well as leaders of the DPRD and regents/mayors throughout North Sumatra.

Prior to the handover of award certificates and BMD, public land certificates were given to representatives of district/city communities in North Sumatra. This certificate is given through a complete systematic land registration program (PTSL).

This program makes it easier for people to get land certificates for free.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian KPK, Nurul Gufron, said that this coordination was important so that the government structure was coordinated to carry out their respective roles and functions in saving regional/state assets.

When the coordination does not work, he said, there will be a disharmonis. This has resulted in the face of the state in saving regional assets in different eyes of the people.

Nurul Gufron reminded the importance of a commitment from the heart to manage money and regional goods. He mentioned four factors that must be in the management, namely certainty, clear, accountable, and transparent.

The coordination meeting was filled with explanations and questions about saving regional finances and assets. Acting as resource persons include the Director of Land Determination of Government Agencies of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Sri Pranoto and the Policy Analyst Analyst Director General of Regional Finance Development, Andri Hikmat.

Each speaker emphasized the importance of stakeholder collaboration in saving regional finances and assets.

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