
JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin launched the Joint Movement to Complete Stunting (Beres) to reduce stunting prevalence to 14 percent in 2024.

Quoting a written statement from the Secretariat of the Vice President (Setwapres), Beres is a movement initiated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) together with the Kompas-Gramedia group.

"I appreciate Kadin and the Kompas-Gramedia Group for their commitment to be actively involved in accelerating stunting reduction through the Clean Movement," said Ma'ruf when launching a mutual cooperation initiative to eradicate stunting and extreme poverty, at the Kompas Tower, Central Jakarta, today, confiscated by Antara.

Ma'ruf said stunting requires intensive coordination with ministries/technical institutions and local governments to avoid overlapping between programs

The target of reducing stunting prevalence by up to 14 percent is pursued by the government through various efforts, ranging from sharpening, improving the coverage and quality of specific and sensitive interventions, to improving the data collection and reporting system.

The government also ensures the active involvement of various non-governmental institutions, such as the business world, universities, professional organizations, philanthropic institutions, development partners, and non-governmental organizations.

Ma'ruf explained a number of strategic steps for the sustainability of the movement in question. First, this program must complete what the government is implementing.

The next program, said Ma'rif, must be implemented in priority locations that have a high prevalence of stunting or stunting children, in order to help reduce prevalence significantly and on target.

"Third, the program is in the form of a real action that targets the priority target group directly, so that the benefits are felt directly by the group," he said.

Ma'ruf also requested that beneficiaries and perpetrators at the community level be placed as the main actors in the implementation of the program.

"Involve them in every stage of implementation, so that there is a sense of belonging and pride from the community," he said.

Finally, is a sustainability strategy that must be drawn up from the beginning of the program implementation, so that the community and local governments can continue the initiative.

Through this strategy, the Vice President hopes that all existing programs and cooperation will be carried out effectively, on target, and sustainably in order to realize Indonesia's superior human resources.

On the same occasion, Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated the need for a joint movement from all components of the nation to overcome health problems and also to prevent stunting in the framework of welcoming Indonesia's demographic bonuses.

"Health problems such as stunting throughout Indonesia cannot be resolved with the government program approach. This must build a movement that is owned by all components of the nation," he said.

Previously, Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, stated the commitment of the Kadin organization in supporting the government's priority work, one of which was prevention and handling stunting in order to increase productivity and community welfare.

Yukki explained that it was cleared to remind the Indonesian people of the spirit of Youth Pledge Day as an important milestone in Indonesia's history.

"It is this spirit, motivation that we are trying to revive to all the young generation of the nation. We invite my loved ones and proud to fight for ignorance and poverty," he said.

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