
JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian Parliament Inter-Parliament Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Fadli Zon was elected acclamated as a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Executive Committee (IPU) or the World Parliamentary Organization representing the Asia Pacific Geo-Political Group along with Milton Dick, Chairperson of the Australian Parliament.

Fadli's nominations were approved by all participants at the Asia Pacific Group (APG) session in the 147th IPU General Session in Luanda, Angola, on Monday, October 23, 2023. The meeting was led by Australian DPR Speaker Milton Dick who is currently still serving as chairman Asia Pacific Group.

Fadli Zon's nomination as a member of the Executive Committee was previously discussed at the ASEAN+3 session or ASEAN countries along with Japan, China and Korea. At the meeting, the session participants also agreed to support the nomination of the Gerindra Party politician together with Milton Dick.

Long Time Participation

The progress of the Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament BKSAP at IPU has been built for a long time. Fadli is also a member of the IPU Democratic and Human Rights Committee who is still in office until March 2025. And at present, the member of the Commission I is also still serving as a member of the IPU Task Force for the Russia-Ukraine conflict resolution.

For information, the Executive Committee is one of the highest organs in IPU which has the authority to discuss various issues at IPU sessions. The election of Indonesia as a member of the Executive Committee increased the number of Asia Pacific representations at IPU along with India and Australia. This is certainly an advantage for Indonesia to contribute more to the world parliamentary agendas and voicing various national interests in various fields.

In addition to the election of executive members, the APG session also discussed several crucial issues. On that occasion, the BKSAP delegation of the Indonesian Parliament was also attended by Deputy Chairman of BKSAP Putu Supadma Rudana (F-PD) and BKSAP member Ratih Megasari Singkarru (F-Nasdem) delivered the emergency item draft to address the condition of the humanitarian crisis in Palestine.

As part of an effort to raise solidarity for Palestine, Indonesia filed an emergency item entitled "Ending Aggression and Forging Solidarity to Alleviate Humanitarian Crises in Gaza". In the proposal, the Indonesian Parliament through Fadli Zon called for three efforts that needed to be made, namely the importance of immediately stopping Israeli attacks, opening access to humanity to Gaza, and also opening negotiations to realize peace for Palestine.

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