JAKARTA - The pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD have finished undergoing a health test as a condition for the nomination of the 2024 presidential election for 9 hours at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital. Ganjar said that the examination went smoothly. He also admitted that there were no problems when he was examined for his health. However, Ganjar had time to shed sweat while undergoing one of his tests. "After this, the team of doctors will conduct a plenary session to assess the results of the health check for the candidate pair of the presidential and vice presidential candidate. Then, the RSPAD team will submit the results of collective health tests after the entire candidate pair will undergo an examination. Ganjar hopes that his medical tests with Mahfud all day have good results in order to fulfill the requirements for a presidential and vice presidential candidate pair. "We have already carried out a complete inspection process, hopefully the results will also be sent to the KPU to complete the entire administrative requirements," he explained. Ganjar and Mahfud arrived at RSPAD at around 07.00 WIB, using a different but concive car. Ganjar wore a white collared shirt, while Mahfud wore a long-sleeved batik. Arriving at RSPAD, the candidate pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates carried out by PDIP, PP, Perindo, and Hanura immediately entered into to change the clothes used in undergoing medical examination.
After undergoing a medical test, Ganjar and Mahfud received examination documents from the Head of the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital, Albertus Budi Sulistya. There is no difference in the mechanism for health checks for presidential and vice presidential candidates underwent by Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) as well as Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD. Anies-Cak Imin conducted a health check on Saturday, October 21.
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