
CIANJUR - The Population Control Service, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment, and Child Protection (DPPKBP3A) of Cianjur Regency, West Java, noted that the number of early marriages is still high every year, around 100 couples, so various efforts are made to reduce this figure.

Head of DPPKBP3A Cianjur Regency Ahmad Mutawali said the socialization was intensified to schools starting from the junior high and high school or equivalent levels, to reduce the number of early marriages, so they did not choose to marry at a young age due to various considerations.

"Early marriage is a marriage contract that is held at an age under the applicable rules, where men and women are 19 years old," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 21.

This, he said, based on Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage, states that marriage is only permitted if men and women are 19 years old.

Prevention of early marriage is the task of the Cianjur Regency DPPKBP3A. Although his party does not have exact data every year, it is recorded that every year more than 100 couples are married under the age of 19.

"Every month we take anticipatory steps through socialization to schools in Cianjur, including to remote areas south, so that children and parents do not choose to get married at an age that does not meet the provisions," he said.

Marriage at an early age, he said, could make women victims of domestic violence (KDRT) more vulnerable because of the thoughts of immature partners, unstable reproductive devices, and various other considerations.

"Regarding the exact data on the number of early marriages, we have not been able to mention in detail because many people do not report or officially register marriages to villages, sub-districts and Offices of Religious Affairs (KIA) because of the age of minors," he said.

His party asked parents in Cianjur not to marry their young children due to various considerations, including their future by completing their education at least high school or equivalently.

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