Malang Resort Police (Polres) revealed the motive for the premeditated murder carried out by suspect S aged 55 years against the victim with the initials K, a resident of Ganjaran Village, Gondanglegi District, Malang Regency, East Java. Malang Police Deputy Commissioner Wisnu S Kuncoro said that the motive for the premeditated murder was a protracted grudge that the suspect had suppressed by the suspect since the death of his wife in 2015. "This is a protracted grudge. In 2015, the suspect's wife died and he assumed that the front wife of the house or victim had committed witchcraft practices," said Wisnu quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 20. As information, the suspect's wife died in 2015 after illness for approximately three months. The perpetrator assumed that the victim, who is the head of Rukun Tetan (RT) and the ustad, carried out the practice of witchcraft against his wife. Wisnu explained, after harboring a long enough grudge, the perpetrator then planned to kill the victim. The perpetrator had prepared a sharp weapon in the form of a sickle to carry out his plan. According to him, the murder plan was carried out on October 18, 2023 which coincided with the activities of the orchestra in Ganjaran Village, so as not to attract the attention of other residents. The perpetrator waited for the victim in front of his house since 19.00 WIB. "The perpetrator gathered again at the location of the two victims died. The distance from the location of the first and the second was approximately 200 meters," he said. On that occasion, Malang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Wahyu Rizki Saputro added, the victim suffered an open wound at 32 points. However, there were six injuries that caused the victim to die.
"There are 32 wounds in almost all parts of the body. Of the 32 wounds, six were fatal and 26 other injuries throughout the body," he said. As a result of the incident, the perpetrators were subject to Article 340 of the Criminal Code (KUHP) concerning premeditated murder, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a maximum of 20 years.
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