
Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto apologized if the group of presidential and vice presidential candidates Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD caused traffic jams today, Thursday, October 19. Because they will go to the General Election Commission (KPU) Office to register as participants in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

"We previously apologized to the public if there was a traffic jam tomorrow," Hasto told reporters, Wednesday, October 18.

Hasto said the group would depart from the Proclamation Monument at around 11.00 WIB. "We will try to attend in an orderly manner, not to interfere with traffic," he said.

"But if there is a disturbance, we apologize beforehand," continued Hasto.

He then detailed that the activities at the Proclamation Monument would begin with asking for blessing. The theme chosen in the series of registration activities is'strong in the culture and identity of the nation'.

Hasto said the group was likely to be in large numbers. Because, those who attended were all supporters of the Ganjar-Mahfud MD pair.

"We will register accompanied by all components in the PDI-P, PPP, Perindo, and Hanura, volunteers, and also the people who will attend," he said.

Furthermore, Hasto said there was a surprise stored in the activity. "We see that it has been designed and artist leaders, cultural observers have also designed it," he said.

"So that the humanitarian aspects will really color it. The populist aspect will really color these two pairs," concluded Hasto.

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