
JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he would review the proposal that the nominal ticket for motorbikes that did not pass the emission test be lowered to Rp100 thousand. "Yes (the proposal) is accepted. We will think about it, review it," said Heru at the DKI Jakarta City Hall, Tuesday, October 17. This proposal was expressed by the Secretary of the PKS Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD M. Taufik Zoelkifli. Taufik sees the need for a fine relief for motorbikes that do not pass the emission test. "As law enforcement, it is necessary to be given a fine for all types of motorized vehicles. But for motorbikes, it is not Rp. 250 thousand. It is enough Rp. 100,000," Taufik told reporters. According to Taufik, the amount of a fine of Rp. 250 thousand refers to the Traffic and Road Transportation Act, which is quite burdensome for motorcycle users. "In general, motorcyclists are middle to lower class residents. So 250 thousand is too heavy," said Taufik. However, what is clear is that Taufik emphasized that fines for vehicles that violate the provisions must still exist. "For matters of air pollution, all groups of residents must care. So motorcyclists must also be sanctioned if their vehicles do not pass the emission test," he added.
For information, it was decided that the emission test ticket would be valid again on November 1, 2023. This has been agreed by the DKI Provincial Government together with the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya. Initially, the emission test ticket had been running since September 1, 2023. However, the implementation was only carried out in the first week and the Metro Police decided to stop it.

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