
JAKARTA - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas emphasized his rejection of the killing of Palestinian and Israeli civilians and called for the release of civilians, detainees and captives from both sides.

President Abbas reiterated his rejection of the expulsion of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. "(Because) this will be the second Nakba (disaster) for our people," he said as reported by ANTARA, Monday, October 16.

He also highlighted the importance of stopping Israeli aggression against Palestinians, providing them protection, allowing the opening of an urgent humanitarian corridor in the Gaza Strip and providing medical supplies, water, electricity and fuel.

Abbas also reiterated the rejection of violence, commitment to international law and the signing of agreements, peaceful popular resistance and political action as a way to achieve Palestinian goals.

It was important to find a political solution that ended the occupation, he said.

President Abbas also underlined that the policies, programs and decisions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) represent the Palestinian people as the only legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and not the policies of other organizations.

The Palestinian President on Sunday (15/10) evening received a telephone call from his counterpart in Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro. They discussed the current difficult situation in the Palestinian territories.

In the conversation, President Abbas thanked Venezuela for its stance in supporting the struggle and right of the Palestinian people to form an independent state on their land, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He also appreciated Venezuela's responsible role and commitment to international law in world forums.

Meanwhile, the President of Venezuela emphasized his stance in supporting the Palestinian people in their efforts to restore their legitimate rights to freedom and independence.

Maduro also praised President Abbas' approach which is based on dialogue, diplomacy and peace.

Maduro also emphasized that he had decided to send emergency humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip while calling for achieving security and peace in the region.

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