
TANGERANG - A video shows bullying that occurred in the classroom at JUCENTek 2 High School, Curug, Tangerang Regency.

In the video, a student in the classroom beats his own friend loudly while screaming. The action was recorded by his classmate and then went viral on social media.

"Woyy is dead, you and me," said the student who beat the victim.

"I'm sick...," replied the victim.

Contacted separately, a spokesman for the Curug Police confirmed the incident. According to him, the incident occurred on Thursday, October 12.

"That's right, the information was yesterday," he said in a short message, Friday, October 13.

When asked further about the case, he was reluctant to answer because the case was handled by the South Tangerang Police PPA unit.

"For the time being, the information is handled by the South Tangerang Police," he said.

Recently, a number of bullying cases occurred among students, both elementary, junior high, and high school. The public hopes that the authorities can take concrete action to deal with the problem.

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