The Batang Regency Government, Central Java, controls non-permissioned socialization props or does not pay retribution taxes at several points.
Head of the Regional Regulation Enforcement Division of the Batang Regency Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Muhammad Masqon said the control was carried out in the context of enforcing Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2019 concerning Controlling Individual or Field Reclames.
"The socialization demonstrations that were brought under control by the Satpol were known to do not have a permit in accordance with the provisions of the Regional Regulation. Yes, banners, banners, banners, or unlicensed pamphlets or illegal installations such as transversely on the road, we are orderly," he said in Batang, Antara, Thursday, October 12.
According to him, this control action is an important step in creating order, beauty, and cleanliness in the implementation of billboards in the local area.
Some of the billboards that are disciplined other than being unauthorized or illegal are also due to the expiration date (of the installation permit limit), misplacement, and installation on trees, traffic light, and prohibited points.
"We also took off the banners that were installed across the road because it endangered road users. Especially if they were installed too low, they could hit passing vehicles," he said.
It is said that the district government has provided banners at several points but of course it must meet the provisions, including paying taxes.
"What is clear is that we will routinely conduct sweeps of the installation of illegal props at several points in order to create a more regular and aesthetic environment," he said.
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