
BANDA ACEH - The presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) will greet Acehnese, while attending the grand remembrance event and the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday in Banda Aceh.

Chairman of the Agam Inong Aceh Central Leadership Council (DPP-AIA) Ibnu Hajar, said while in Tanah Rencong, Anies-Cak Imin would take part in the grand remembrance at the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque and the Prophet Muhammad SAW Birthday event at the Kuala Shiite Cemetery Complex.

"We want Anies and Cak Imin to take blessings in Aceh. Maulid and take the blessing of being referred (Aceh traditional tradition) to register (Presidential Candidate / Vice President)," said Ibnu Hajar in Banda Aceh, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.

He explained that Anies-Cak Imin was in Indonesia's westernmost province for two days, namely on October 15-16, 2023. Registration for presidential and vice presidential candidates began on October 19, 2023.

After participating in the akbar and maulid remembrance in Banda Aceh on Sunday (15/10) afternoon, then Anies-Cak Imin will continue his journey to Lhokseumawe City on Monday (16/10) to attend another agenda.

"The grand remembrance event at the Baiturbarahman Grand Mosque, then proceeds to the Kuala Shiite Tomb, there is the stage and there is a declaration, a maulid event, summarizes everything," he said.

According to him, Anies-Cak Imin to the westernmost province of Indonesia was accompanied by a number of figures such as the Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh and PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu.

"From the information we got from the central Jakarta DPP, Mr. Anies, Cak Imin, Surya Paloh, PKS President, Ahmad Ali and also Gus Jazilul from PKB," he said.

The Anies-Cak Imin conjunction to the Serambi area of Mecca did not receive rejection from the community. In fact, it has also received full support from scholars and leaders in Aceh, so that it can organize accreting and maulid remembrance.

This is also not a campaign, this is a maulid celebration event. So we want Anies and Cak Imin to hopefully take blessings in Aceh towards a change in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Anies-Cak Imin Greater Industry Organizer, Usman, said the organizing committee was also seeking maximum security to welcome the arrival of the Anies-Cak Imin pair, ranging from cooperation with the National Police to a number of volunteers.

"We have collaborated with several volunteer parties such as Aswaja, Brigade and from Polri agencies, both Polresta and Polda Aceh, we have written it," he said.

For licensing, he said, both activity permits, places and others had also been fulfilled properly.

"The permit letter from MPU Alhamdulillah has been issued, then from the Islamic Sharia Service the letter has also been issued, also from the Baiturrahman and Shiah Kuala Grand Mosques, which are the main places for remembrance, maulid and kenduri Raya," he said.

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