
TOKYO - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, greeted Indonesian citizens who were in Japan. He did this in a series of his working visits to the country of the rising sun.

After holding a bilateral meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Puan today met with the Indonesian people at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo. Puan's arrival was also to attend a diplomatic reception at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo in commemoration of the 78th independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and the 78th Anniversary of the TNI.

The event was held at Wisma Duta, the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, on Wednesday, October 11 at noon local time. Arriving at the location of the event, Puan was greeted by the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Heri Akhmadi and the ranks of the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo.

Puan came accompanied by Deputy Chairperson of Commission IX DPR RI Charles Honoris, Member of Commission V DPR Irine Yusiana Roba Putri and Secretary General of the DPR RI Indra Iskandar. Also present at this event were Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Nezar Patria and Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Japan (JAPINDA) Yasuo Fukuda.

The Diplomatic Reception at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo began by singing the anthem Indonesia Raya and the Japanese national anthem, Kimigayo. The event then continued with a vidoe screening about 65 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Japan and a video profile of the TNI.

The event was enlivened by a fashion show by designer Torang Sitorus. The fashion work presented by Torang Sitorus this time is quite special because it combines native North Sumatra cloth such as Ulos, with Japanese silk foam.

Puan praised the work of Torang Sitorus which was presented at the fashion show. Moreover, Torang Sitorus combines the archipelago wastra with silk cloth which is Japan's advantage.

"This clothing work combines Indonesian and Japanese culture, which can be interpreted as the strong relationship between Indonesia and Japan," said Puan.

On that occasion, Puan greeted Indonesians in Japan who were present at a diplomatic reception at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo. He also expressed his pleasure to meet the Indonesian people in Japan.

"It is a joy in itself that when Indonesia and Japan are celebrating 65 years of the formation of diplomatic relations between the two countries, we can all gather in Tokyo, Japan to commemorate the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia and the TNI anniversary," said Puan in her speech.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives continued, in June 2023, Indonesia had the opportunity to become a country visited by Emperor Naruhito with Queen Owada Masako during their first official visit abroad. Puan emphasized that the relationship between Indonesia and Japan had existed for a long time.

"Our two countries do have a long historical relationship and history has noted that Indonesia's friendship with Japan is not only established in happy times but also in difficult times. It is a good characteristic of friendship," he said.

With close friendship, Puan believes that the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the future will be even more. He said, the two countries are jointly committed to continuing to improve collaboration in various fields.

"As Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, I continue to support efforts to improve Indonesia-Japan relations so that they are more beneficial to the people of the two countries," said Puan.

To Indonesian citizens in Japan, Puan revealed the contents of her meeting with PM Fumio Kishida yesterday, Tuesday (10/10), to discuss the development of relations between the two countries in various sectors in the future.

When meeting with PM Fumio Kishida, Puan invited Japan to invest in the Nusantara State Capital (IKN) development project, as well as encourage the commitment of Japanese automotive companies to make Indonesia a production center, especially for electric vehicles.

"With the stronger relationship between Indonesia and Japan, our two countries have the opportunity to become the driving force for the future progress of the Asian economy," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan then emphasized the importance of Indonesia and Japan to continue to deepen relations between communities or people to people contact. In bilateral cooperation, he said that the state is indeed the main actor. But behind it is a very important role for citizens of the two countries.

The practice of people to people contact itself targets the community as an international community that needs to be influenced by liquid, natural and familiar diplomacy.

For this reason, Puan invites the Indonesian people in Japan to help the country in strengthening relations with Japan. One way is by increasing people to people contact which has become an important pillar in Indonesia and Japan's relations so far.

"The people of our two countries have known each other very well. So it is our duty to fulfill the wishes of the people by strengthening relations between the two countries that are oriented towards the interests of their people or people-oriented relations," explained Puan.

Bung Karno's grandson added that the involvement of the younger generation between countries is very necessary. Puan assessed that the involvement of the younger generation can support the development of cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the field of education and culture.

"I see that the foundation of relations between Indonesia and Japan is very solid. This will be the basis for deepening relations in the future," he said.

"Finally, I invite all of us who are present to strengthen our commitment to continue to improve relations between Indonesia and Japan. Thank you, Dryptomo arigatturgozaimasu," added Puan.

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