
JAKARTA - KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari ensured that the readiness of logistics for the 2024 General Election would be completed on time according to what had been mutually agreed upon.

"God willing, the election equipment will be ready on time," said Hasyim as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 11.

According to him, the construction of election logistics is divided into two stages and the manufacturing process has been carried out according to the contract carried out by the Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP).

Hasyim said that the first stages produced were ballot boxes, ballot booths, voice ink, and seal. For the second stage, the ballots, forms, and others are produced.

"Currently the production process is running and will be ready on time," he said

Hasyim explained that the ballot would later be sent to Indonesian citizens abroad, totaling 1.7 million voters.

"They will conduct elections earlier than the implementation of domestic elections," he said.

According to him, the ballot will later be sent using the delivery method via PT. Pos. The ballot must be folded and put in an envelope and then sent abroad.

"This of course must be completed on time so that it can be sent after the existing schedule," he said.

Sebelumnya KPU menetapkan Daftar Pemilih Tetap Pemilu 2024 sebanyak 204.807.222 pemilih. Jumlah pemilih dalam negeri terdiri 101.467.243 pemilih laki-laki dan 101.589.505 pemilih perempuan dengan total 203.056.748.

Plus foreign voters in 128 countries consist of the number of male voters 751,260, female 999,214, total overseas 1,750,474. The total national recap of male and female voters is 204,807,222.

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