
The Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, confirmed that the murder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin by Jessica Wongso had been completed with all the evidence and testing carried out.

Therefore, there is no reason to declare that there was an error or error in the judge's decision.

"I declare that the case has been completed, because it has been tested five times at various court levels starting from the district court, high court, Supreme Court, and even two extraordinary legal remedies have been made in the form of PK (reconsideration)," Sumedana said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 10.

Sumedana spoke about Jessica Wongso's case because many media asked her, after the viral case known as Cyanide coffee was raised through a documentary film at one of the providers of digital media streaming services with the title Ice Cold.

The former Deputy Head of the Bali High Prosecutor's Office explained that the documentary film greatly influenced public opinion on the case that occurred in early 2016.

According to him, the public prosecutor has been able to convince the judge in the process of proving at various levels, and none of the members of the Panel of Judges stated that the Dissenting Opinion or had different opinions.

"In my opinion, this proof is perfect to show Jessica's brother is the culprit, as a person blamed based on a court decision that has permanent law," he said.

In this position, Sumedana said that as law enforcement officers, they should uphold the work and process that has been carried out for almost seven years. By understanding the legal principles of Res Judicata pro veritate habetur or the principle of Res Judicata which means that all judge decisions must be considered correct.

"Oleh karena sudah melalui proses yang benar, sistem bukti yang benar dan melakukan penilaian terhadap alat-alat bukti yang diajukan ditambahkan dengan kepercayaan hakim," ujarnya.

The AGO emphasized that the Jessica Wongso case should not be a polemic, because there was no reason to state that there were mistakes or mistakes in making decisions by the panel of judges based solely on opinions built in documentaries, especially in the legal process that was carried out at that time was open to the public and even broadcast in various media.

"For this reason, it is hoped that it will not be used as a polemic again, and invite various parties who are harmed to make legal efforts that have been provided based on the provisions of the applicable law," said Sumedana. The documentary film on the Cyanide Coffee case with the title "Ice Cold" on the Netflix platform is trending on Indonesian broadcasts, with the broadcast, the public doubts that Jessica is the killer of Mirna Salihin with cyanide coffee.

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