
MEULABOH - The West Aceh District Attorney conducted an investigation or investigation related to alleged corruption in the management of village funds for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, in Suak Keumudae Village, Arongan Lambalek District.

"Currently there are no suspects, they are still in the process of being investigated," said the Head of the West Aceh District Attorney's Office, Siswanto, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 10.

According to him, the management of village funds in Suak Keumudee Village, Arongan Lambalek District, West Aceh Regency, which has now been upgraded to the investigation, is allegedly carried out fictitiously, so it is suspected that it has caused indications of state financial losses of around Rp. 400 million.

In this case, investigators have also examined 10 witnesses consisting of village officials, the current village head, and the previous former village head officials.

Based on the results of the interim examination carried out, investigators found indications of fictitious activities in managing village funds, so it was indicated that they had caused state financial losses.

"Later, after the inspection is complete, we will ask the experts to conduct an audit," said Kajari Siswanto added.

In this case, investigators also found that the implementation of development activities in villages was allegedly not in accordance with the technical construction specifications.

"Just pray that this December we can delegate (to the court)," said West Aceh Kajari Siswanto.

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