
The National Police deployed a preventive task force (Satgas) in Operation Tribrata Agung 2023 to anticipate demonstrations during the Summit of the Island and Islands State Forum (Archipelagic and Island States) or AIS Forum 2023 in Bali 10-11 October.

"There was a demonstration, then there was a group that wanted to convey their aspirations that we had anticipated," Head of the Tribrata Agung Operations Preventive Task Force 2023 Brigadier General Rudy Antariksa.

Anticipation carried out is not prohibiting demonstrations, but the National Police is still accommodating the delivery of aspirations by the community by preparing places and security.

"We have prepared the Renon field for those who express their opinions and have prepared mass control (dalmas), a team of communication negotiators so that they can express their opinions properly and do not interfere with traffic," he said.

Rudy also ensured that the implementation of security during the AIS Forum 2023 Summit was carried out humanely and upholds human rights, especially during demonstrations.

"We handle everything humanely towards people who express their opinions," he said.

The former Head of the Traffic Corps of the National Police explained that in Operation Tribrata Agung 2023 the National Police divided several task forces that had different tasks, one of which was the preventive task force. "The preventive task force has 883 members. This task force is divided into several sub-gases," he said.

Then, he said, the subsatgas in this preventive task force is in charge of securing future state guests and heading to the location, namely the Airport Subsatgas.

Then there is also a sub-satgas for securing hotels, sub-satgas handling activities, then there is a sub-satgas area that is divided into several clusters. Then there is a sterilization sub-satgas," said Rudy.

Regarding the potential for threats and disturbances during the AIS Forum 2023 Summit, said Rudy, this was handled by the task force related to both the preventive task force, the preemptive task force, the Law Enforcement task force, and other task forces.

"Some of these task forces will continue to collaborate and coordinate with Paspampres and the TNI," he said.

Rudy added that several potential disturbances occurred when the AIS Forum 2023 Summit was predicted and mapped. Starting from disturbances from the movement of guests coming to the airport to the venue, to objects, and hotels. Then disturbances in smoothness and obstacles on the road when state guests pass have been anticipated by the Walrolakir Task Force.

The seriousness of the National Police in securing the AIS Forum 2023 Summit is proven by presenting considerable strength which is equipped with adequate security equipment facilities and infrastructure where the National Police itself mobilizes 4,286 personnel consisting of the National Police Headquarters 1,995 personnel and the Bali Police 2,291.

The AIS Forum Summit will be held on 10-11 October 2023 in Nusa Dua, Bali. The international meeting carries the theme "Collaborating, Proposing Innovation for the Sea and the Future Together" (Fostering Collaboration, Enabling Innovation for Our Ocean and Our Future).

The AIS Forum 2023 Summit is expected to be attended by representatives from 51 island and island countries, with a target of 25 representatives at the level of the head of state/government and 30 to 47 representatives at the ministerial level.

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