
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has taken precautions abroad against one person related to the investigation of alleged bribery in case management. Where the case involved the Secretary of the Supreme Court Hasbi Hasan as a suspect. "Because there is still a need for information from one of the parties as a witness to make this case clear, the KPK has again submitted a prevent from traveling abroad to a private party," said KPK Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri quoting Antara, Saturday, October 7. Ali explained that the preventive measure had been submitted to the Director General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, since September 2023 and valid for the next six months. "KPK reminds that the party in question to remain cooperative is present to fulfill the summons of the investigator team," said Ali. To note, on Wednesday (12/7), the KPK officially detained Secretary of the Supreme Court Hasbi Hasan, after the person concerned was named as a suspect in the case of alleged bribery handling cases outside the Supreme Court. Hasbi Hasan is suspected of accepting bribes of around Rp3 billion to regulate the cassation decision of the Intidana Saving Saving Cooperative (ID) case in the Supreme Court. The intervention of suspect Hasbi Hasan is the case of KSP Intidana between Heryanto Tanaka (HT) as the Debitary of the Intidana Saving Cooperative with KSP Intidana administrator Budi Gandi Suparman. In the cassation process, suspect Heryanto Tanaka communicated with suspect Dadan Tri Yudianto (DTY) to oversee the cassation process with the presence of honora or fee as "funda injection". Both then agreed to hand over a sum of money to several parties who had influence in the Supreme Court, one of them being Hasbi Hasan as the Secretary of the Supreme Court. Hasbi Hasan then agreed and agreed to take part in guarding and taking the cassation of the case of Heyanto Tanaka. Hasbi Hasan and Dadan Tri Yudianto's, the defendant Budiman Suparman was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison in accordance with Heryanto Tanaka's request.

In the March period September 2022 there was a transfer of money through a bank account from Heryanto Tanaka to Dadan Tri Yudianto seven times with a total of around Rp. 11.2 billion. From the Rp. 11.2 billion, Dadan then divided and handed it over to Hasbi Hasan in accordance with the agreed commitment both with the amount received by Hasbi Hasan amounting to around Rp. 3 billion. For his actions, Hasbi Hasan was suspected of violating Article 12 letter a or Article 12 letter b and/or Article 11 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

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