
JAKARTA - Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute asks President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to deactivate the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who is suspected of extorting the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo related to corruption cases at the Ministry of Agriculture. This step must be taken immediately in order to prevent conflicts of interest.

"As a form of preventing conflicts of interest, the President should deactivate the Commissioner who is suspected of being involved in the extortion case," said Chairman of the IM 57+ Institute, Praswad Nugraha in a written statement quoted on Friday, October 6.

Praswad also said that the head of the anti-corruption commission should not be allowed to participate in handling the ongoing case.

"This is not only useful for the continuation of the handling of the alleged extortion case which is currently being handled by the police," he said.

"But also against the integrity and indecency of handling corruption cases at the Ministry of Agriculture which is being handled by the KPK," continued the former anti-corruption commission employee.

In addition, the police must work hard to investigate the alleged extortion. Do not let, there be an assumption that the anti-corruption case is a material for bartering.

"The Indonesian National Police must immediately announce to the public who the suspects are extorting the Minister of Agriculture, so that the public can oversee the handling of this case in a transparent and accountable manner," said Praswad.

Previously reported, the examination letter numbered B/10339/VIII/Res.3.3./2023/Ditreskrimsus whose contents summoned the Syahrul driver, Heri related to the investigation into alleged extortion by the KPK leadership was widely circulated. In fact, the anti-corruption commission is investigating allegations of corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture.

As for the case being handled by the KPK, Syahrul was reportedly entangled along with two of his subordinates. They are the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi Subagyono and the Director of Agricultural Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta.

Regarding the extortion case being investigated by the Polda Metro Jaya, Syahrul has provided information on Thursday, October 5. For more than three hours, he admitted that he was asked about the investigation into the alleged extortion.

"Everything I know I have said and I openly convey what investigators need, faced by a lot earlier, and the process lasted for almost three hours. I am very tired, while I just returned home," said Yasin Limpo at NasDem Tower, Jakarta, Thursday evening.

This NasDem Party politician did not reveal in detail the extortion in question. Syahrul only said that the police asked for information from him regarding public complaints on August 12, 2023.

Meanwhile, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri ensured that he had never extorted or received money such as information that was widely circulated. He denied that there was Rp1 billion in cash in Singapore dollar denominations.

In addition, Firli also denied that there was a meeting between himself and Syahrul wrapped in badminton together. He said it was impossible for him to meet the litigants, especially in an open place.

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