
SULTENG - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin launched Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) a thousand megaliths as the government's effort to increase tourism development and attract tourist visits. "Tourism development was carried out by the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government by utilizing megalith as a new mascot, it can have a positive impact on Indonesian tourism," said Ma'ruf when opening the National Coordination Meeting on the acceleration of regional development behind and the declaration of Central Sulawesi as a country of one thousand megaliths which took place in Palu City, Tuesday. He said that the development of megalithic historical tourism was a reflection of an extraordinary past civilization, with the hope of producing various activities that led to the welfare of the community. "With joint efforts, the Vice President believes that the number of tourist visits to Central Sulawesi will also increase, as well as help increase the target of 2 million visits in 2023. "Local wisdom tourism needs to be developed in areas," he said.

Menurut dia, upaya-upaya pembangunan sektor pariwisata perlu akselerasi pengembangan destinasi ramah Muslim lewat pembangunan ekosistem terpadu, serta didukung penyiapan sumber daya manusia (SDM) pariwisata yang tanggap, adaptif dan mempuni.Selain itu manfaatkan media sosial sebagai alat promosi yang efektif, didukung dengan narasi kuat yang mengedepankan wisata budaya sejarah megalit sebagai bagian dari peradaban dunia."Promosi harus dilakukan secara masif, saya mendukung langkah dilakukan pemerintah Sulawesi Tengah memajukan sektor pariwisata daerah," tutur Ma'ruf.Wapres juga meminta Pemda setempat menggandeng semua pemangku kepentingan, untuk menyiapkan negeri seribu megalit sebagai destinasi wisata unggulan Sulawesi Tengah, sehingga berkontribusi menggerakkan ekonomi daerah."Saya menilai dengan pengembangan wisata budaya sejarah sejalan dengan percepatan Sulawesi Tengah sebagai provinsi tanpa daerah tertinggal," kata dia.

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