Criteria For Recipients Of BLT Extreme Poverty: Here's The Explanation
Criteria For Recipients Of Extreme Poverty BLT (Illustration Of BLT-ANTARA)


YOGYAKARTA - In accordance with the President's instructions in Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2022 concerning handling extreme poverty, one of which specifically orders the Ministry of Villages to prioritize village funds for direct cash assistance or BLT. So what are the criteria for recipients of BLT extreme poverty?

This push is used to alleviate extreme poverty in Indonesia, which is a citizen whose welfare is below or equivalent to USD 1.9 PPP (purchasing power parity) if measured using absolute safety measures that do not change between countries and between times.

A kind of other aid, BLT extreme poverty is expected to improve the welfare of citizens. Suitable for the guidelines reported on the agreed page. bappenas. go. id, this BLT aims to reduce the burden on residents' expenses.

In the guide, there are other programs that aim to

increase population income and efforts to minimize poverty areas in Indonesia. With these goals, of course, every program has been prepared seriously by the government.

Disbursement of extreme poverty BLT is generally tried every 3 months. The amount of assistance each month is Rp. 300.000 per month so that if accumulated it can be Rp. 900.000 in one disbursement. This kind of mechanism is carried out in various regions.

One of them is Pejagoan District, Kebumen Regency, which was quoted from the kejagoan yard. kebumen. go. id Watulawang Village Head said that his residents received assistance for 3 months amounting to Rp. 900.000 last June.

BLT extreme poverty was initially a direct cash assistance for village funds. With the existence of a name change in accordance with the President's instructions, there was a systematic change in the boost itself. One of them is a criterion that could be the recipient of the assistance. Several sources stated that the value of the assistance was still the same, on the contrary, the number of recipients decreased due to the increasingly strict criteria that were inaugurated.

Quoted from many sources, BLT extreme poverty is only given to parties that meet some of the criteria. First, extreme poor people with almost all multidimensional complexity of poverty, are people who live alone, the elderly, disabled, do not work, lack of habitability, insufficient sanitation, and uninhabitable houses.

Second, extreme poor people who can survive by carrying out self-actualization, are of productive age (1664 years), not people with disabilities, and are not chronic. Another provision for obtaining BLT extreme poverty is loss of livelihood and not receiving social assistance for the family of hope program.

So after knowing the criteria for recipients of BLT extreme poverty, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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