
REJANG LEBONG - A joint TNI-Polri team in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province found a marijuana field containing 42 cannabis stems that wereumpted by juice with chili plants on an area of 1 hectare.

The commander of Kodim (Dandim) 0409/Rejang Lebong, Lt. Col. Inf. Moch Renaldy Herbowo, said that the discovery of a marijuana field in Lawang Agung Village, Sindang Beliti Ulu District was revealed by the Intel Kodim 0409/Rejang Lebong unit together with the Rejang Lebong Police Narcotics Unit.

"The joint team from Kodim 0409/Rejang Lebong together with the Narcotics Unit of the Rejang Lebong Police left for the location in Lawang Agung Village in the early hours of Friday (22/9) or around 01.00 WIB," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 22.

He explained that the existence of the marijuana field was found after a public report was made to members of Kodim 0409/Rejang Lebong, then checked and after it was discovered that the location was immediately coordinated with the Narcotics Unit of the Rejang Lebong Police.

Joint TNI/Polri officers, he said, after arriving at Lawang Agung Village, immediately secured the owner of the field, namely HB (51) and his son LU (18).

From the perpetrator's house, joint officers found evidence of dried marijuana leaves and methamphetamine (bong) tools, then Friday morning officers took the two of them to the garden belonging to the perpetrator planted with marijuana plants about 2 km from Lawang Agung Village.

In the garden owned by HB, joint officers found a marijuana plant with a height of 1-2 meters and two stems that had been cut down to be dried. This cannabis plant is planted by the perpetrators with a filter overlap system with terong, ginger, chili and tobacco plants.

"Furthermore, the two perpetrators and evidence were brought to the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters for examination and development," he explained.

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