
GORONTALO - State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of Pohuwato Regency Government (Pemkab), held a prayer and mutual remembrance after the incident of burning the Regent-DPRD Office on Thursday, September 21.

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Pohuwato Regency Iskandar Dukata said prayer and remembrance activities were carried out on the basis of the initiative of all ASN who asked to be given strength and fortitude in facing this disaster.

"This is a social disaster and a test for us. In this incident we cannot get carried away by the atmosphere. We must pray and remember to be given fortitude and strength in dealing with it," he said in Pohuwanto, Gorontalo, Friday, September 22, which was confiscated by Antara.

He asked all ASN to remain enthusiastic in providing services to the community, because it has become the main task and responsibility of the regional government.

Overall, after the destruction and arson, he said, the Pohuwato Regent's office could no longer function properly, so today his party started using other office facilities that made it possible for ASN to carry out government service activities.

"Starting today, the joint office and the hall, we will fix it and place it as the regent's office while together with the regional secretariat," said the Regional Secretary.

After this incident, he appealed to the public not to be easily provoked and provoked, so they would not do things that could cause harm to themselves or many people.

"Don't let it just be provoked by misleading incitements and the truth is not yet known, then do things that violate the law," he said.

The Regional Secretary said that in this incident no Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) building experienced the same thing as the regent's office, so that all forms of government services were not disrupted or were still running properly.

"We ensure that government services in Pohuwato Regency continue to run as they should," he said.

His party will attend a meeting with the Gorontalo Province Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) led by the Acting Governor, and followed by Forkopoimda Pohuwato Regency and all ranks to discuss the steps that will be taken next.

"This meeting is to discuss matters related to yesterday's incident, and what steps we will take in the future," he said.

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