
The joint team from Basarnas and the Police are still continuing their search for a two-year-old boy, who was swept away by the current in the ditch when heavy rains hit Batam City, Riau Islands (Kepri) on Thursday. "Today we are still continuing our search around the location," said Sekupang Police Chief AKP Muhammad Rizqy Saputra in Batam, Riau Islands, quoted by ANTARA on Friday, September 22. He explained the difficulty of the search for this victim because around the location where the boy was swept away, many plants were covered. "The ditch was covered by mangrove trees and bushes, thus complicating the process of searching for victims," he said. He mentioned as many as 22 joint teams who took part in the search and were also assisted by local residents. Previously, the joint team searched for the victim on Thursday night until 23.00 WIB. The police chief explained that the victim's name Muhammad Al Rizky was initially entrusted by the victim's brother to the victim's sister because he wanted to find food. Furthermore, at around 16.50 WIB, the brother who had gone home bought food, asked about his sister's whereabouts to the victim's sister.

"At that time the victim's sister replied that her sister fell in the ditch in front of her house," said the police chief. Hearing that, the victim's brother immediately reported it to local residents and the police to look for the victim.

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